Cleaning LaTeX with AucTex

Yo emacs boyz how you doin?

Cleaning (La)Tex intermediate files in emacs


M-x TeX-clean

to clean intermdiate files, and

C-u M-x TeX-clean

to clean both intermediate files and outputs. or

C-c C-c

then Choose Clean or Clean All

How does it actually work?

  1. TeX-clean looks into the variable LaTeX-clean-intermediate-suffixes for Regexs to search for files to delete when choosing Clean or invoking the function TeX-clean with no C-u prefix.
  2. TeX-clean looks into the variable LaTeX-clean-intermediate-suffixes AND LaTeX-clean-output-suffixes for Regexs to search for files to delete when choosing Clean All or invoking the function TeX-clean WITH C-u prefix.

Remove other files!

Sadly not all regexes are implemented by default, un-sadly you can easily add them!

  ;; clean intermdiate tex crap
  (add-to-list 'LaTeX-clean-intermediate-suffixes '"-figure[0-9]*\\.\\(pdf\\|md5\\|log\\|dpth\\|dep\\|run\\.xml\\)")
  (add-to-list 'LaTeX-clean-intermediate-suffixes '".auxlock")


hope it helps! and thanks for checking my glorious blog!

Shameless keywords for better search engine indexing

  • clean \usepgfplotslibrary{external} LaTeX
  • clean auctex files
  • clean regex to auctex clean
  • idk too tired heh